增压压缩空气高达400 bar。我们的压缩机单元用于各种应用中,只要现有系统压力不足以实现某些应用。增压单元可以在现有基础设施内的分散位置实施,以增加特定终端的压力。请与我们联系。

Home » 系统技术 » 气动压缩空气增压器


Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau GmbH提供高达400巴的压缩机和各种气体的压力控制系统。因此,我们提供即插即用的装置,以增加气动和液压应用的现有压力。通过这种方式,现有系统的性能可以灵活高效地提高。我们的压缩机装置在现有系统压力不足以实现特定应用时使用。气动增压器适用于压缩压缩空气或氮气,而我们的增压器可以用于各种测试和充装,气体回收或其他需要高压的功能。


我们的压缩空气增压机设备被应用在现有压缩空气供应不足的情况下,以满足特殊工具、装置或系统对增加压力的需求。例如,PPM 压缩空气增压机可以通过商业用途的软管连接到任意需要的现有压缩空气网络上,或者在组装工作期间直接连接到移动压缩机,作为压力增强点。增压机以气动方式工作,即自主运行并仅由压缩空气驱动。图示所示的压力压缩机将输入压力压缩比为 1:2。因此,例如可以将经典压缩空气网络从6巴逐点增加到约12巴。当然,根据所需的压力和流量,还可以提供进一步的转换比和容器尺寸。


  • 压力比率:1:2
  • 标准型号:16、30、50 bar
  • 操作压力最高可达400 bar
  • 驱动气压:1-10
  • 压力容器:20升至60升
  • 容量:根据需求
  • 可无限调节打印高度以适应不同的终端用户
  • 气动操作:不需要电气连接
  • 达到最终压力后无能量消耗
  • 适用于静态和动态压力应用。
pneumatic air booster unit with pressure gauge up to 50 bar by Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau
noise reduction box for air compressor and booster units by Poppe  + Potthoff Maschinenbau


PPM 压缩机按照压力转换原理工作。现有的操作空气用于压缩氮气。这种原理充分利用了现有的 N2 形式。移动站将氮气从气瓶中压缩到 400 bar,不考虑气瓶压力





  • 氮气气瓶压力:最小20-25巴,最大300巴
  • 氮气罐压力:最小20-25巴
  • 工作压力:最大400巴
  • 压缩空气驱动:最小5巴,1/2英寸连接套管
  • 功率:约120 Nl/min
  • 出口处有压力调节器
portable nitrogen N2 compressor up to 400 bar by Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau

Compressor Unit up to 400 bar

The PPM compressors operate per the pressure conversion principle. The existing operating air is used to compress nitrogen. This principle makes full use of the existing N2 form. The mobile station compresses nitrogen from cylinders to up to 400 bar, regardless of the cylinder pressure.

Compressor type PPM/V/400/400

With this PPM compressor, an output of approx. 400 Nl/min can be ensured. This is the classic application case of an N2 post-compression.


  • N2 cylinder pressure: min. 200 bar, max. 300 bar
  • Operating pressure: max. 400 bar
  • Compressed air drive: min. 5 bar, 1/2 “connection sleeve
  • Power: approx. 400 Nl/min
  • Pressure regulator at the outlet

Nitrogen Charging Unit

The PPM nitrogen charger (PPM NCU / HA / 35/400) is intended for filling large storage facilities (bubble, diaphragm and piston storage). It consists of a hydraulic drive unit, a compressor, an electrical control system. and the necessary hoses. The components are installed in a compact, transportable housing. The device operates automatically until the preset pre-filling pressure is reached.

The PPM nitrogen charger allows an optimized utilization of the commercially-available nitrogen cylinders as well as a filling of the accumulators up to a pressure of 400 bar.


  • Output pressure max. N2 to 400 bar
  • Adjustable pressure
  • Capacity according to requirements
compact nitrogen filling unit by Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau

Tie Station for Air & Nitrogen

The PPM tie stations allow better utilization of nitrogen cylinders as well as a filling of the accumulators up to a pressure of 300 bar.

The stations are attached to standard nitrogen cylinders and are available in various designs.

The PPM NCU/N/35/300 is an autonomous unit, equipped with a powerful gas compressor, pressure switch and pressure reducer. It is built on transportable housing and is ideally suited for mobile use due to its low weight. Nitrogen from the cylinder itself is used as the drive medium. This means that the system is operated completely autonomously and nitrogen is both the drive and medium delivery.

A further variant is the PPM NCU/D/35/300. This station uses compressed air as the drive medium. Also, it is equipped with a powerful gas compressor and built on a transportable housing.


  • Pressure ratio: 1:30
  • Inlet pressure N2 min: 35 bar
  • Output pressure N2 max: 300 bar (at 10 bar drive pressure)
  • Drive pressure Compressed air: 10 bar
  • Drive medium: compressed air/nitrogen
  • Application for various gases
nitrogen filling unit up to 300 bar



测试台架和应用 –

作为压力测试技术和测试台架的专家,Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau 支持各种材料特别耐用的零部件的研发和生产,特别是为汽车、造船和机械工程以及流体和医疗行业。我们提供各种独立设计的测试台,如爆裂压力测试装置、压力循环测试台、泄漏测试系统、功能测试台和自动加压系统。这些测试台可精确可靠地进行测试

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